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Seafood from Norway

Steelhead trout

Norwegian steelhead trout has a pure and fresh flavor. The firm and velvety texture and beautiful marbling make it perfect for raw, marinated, and lightly cooked dishes. It is slightly more sensitive to heat compared to Norwegian salmon, but treat it right and you are in for a delicious meal.

Nutritional information

Eating Norwegian steelhead trout helps you maintain a healthy heart, a strong skeleton, and an effective brain. It is especially rich in protein, omega-3s, vitamins A, D, and B12, and antioxidants.

Catch range

Norway enjoys the unique natural advantages where cold Arctic waters meet the warm Gulf Stream, resulting in waters with the right current and temperature that provide perfect conditions for year-round production of steelhead trout.


Norwegian steelhead trout is in season all year round.

Trout is a name used for several species of salmon fish. The Norwegian steelhead trout is well suited in saltwater aquaculture and has become popular for its excellent flavor and texture.

Norwegian steelhead trout is a healthy protein known for its deep red-orange color and beautiful marbling that gives the fillets a luxurious feel. It tastes good and is good for you. Eating Norwegian steelhead trout help you maintain a healthy heart, a strong skeleton, and an effective brain.

Norwegian steelhead trout is smaller than Atlantic salmon with a firmer flesh. The steelhead trout also stores the majority of fat in the abdomen, giving it a fattier belly, making the fish flesh leaner. The trout head and salmon head also offer distinguishing features as the trout head is rounder than the salmon.

The cold, clear waters in Norway provide perfect conditions for the steelhead trout to grow slowly and develop a firm texture and a delicious taste. The cold, clear waters in Norway are essential for the taste and texture of Steelhead trout. The Norwegian steelhead trout benefits from the long history of fishing and utilizing the natural resources along the coastline of Norway. 

The Norwegian steelhead trout industry is built on respect for nature, history, expertise, and innovation. Norwegian fish farming began in the 1970s. Today, Norway continues to use its expertise in ethology, marine biology, and technology to ensure food safety and the future of the aquaculture industry. Strict measures have been put in place to ensure we allow the industry to develop while respecting surrounding ecosystems. The industry, science, and regulation work together to continuously strive for better, representing an important part of the solution to the world’s need for sustainable food.